News and Updates

I’M BAAACK (and other updates)

Hello all,

During these difficult times, it’s hard to find ways to preoccupy yourself when you’re self isolating and distancing yourself from other people. And with the reports and cases you hear in the news and social media everyday, it can be really stressful. These past two weeks alone has given me anxiety as I try to limit myself from going outside except when I have to work. But the challenge of isolating myself when I’m not working is that I get bored easily. One thing that’s help me get through this is knowing that everyday when I am limiting myself to go outside, I am doing it for my mom and her health. We all have to make compromises but we are doing it for ourselves, our family, friends, and our neighbours, so let’s all try to be kind and work together on supporting one another.

In a positive outlook, I’ve started reading books again. Not just manga, although I’ve been alternating between reading manga series this past months, but I’ve also received unsolicited advanced reading copies from Raincoast Books. I’m currently reading an ebook Dark Skies which after I received my copy, I later found out in Goodreads that it is a sequel to a new YA series. I haven’t read the first book and yet I’m already reading the sequel. I feel weird telling the publisher who sent me the ARC to take it back because they already sent it to me so I guess I will be reviewing this with no knowledge of the events in the first book. Raincoast Books also sent me a physical advanced reading copy of The Circus Rose with is a short read and a standalone. It reads like a middle grade story and because it’s only over 260 pages long it shouldn’t take long for me to finish.

So yes, I’m back to reading books again! I’m pretty excited with this new development and I am glad I managed to ease my way into reading books again and not just 5 straight months of reading manga (although that also counts as reading and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!) That’s all I wanted to share with anyone who is following me at the moment. I hope everyone else out there is keeping it together during these uncertain times but I really believe that this will be over and we can return back to our normal lives again.

Stay safe and healthy everyone.

News and Updates

Blogger Announcement

I’m going to be blunt here and say that I’m currently on a break. Well, I wouldn’t say currently, I have been on a break for awhile now, since December in fact. Which explains why I haven’t been presently here since my last posting. I am making an official announcement here, not just to make it officially official but well, actually yeah, that is my primary reason of announcing it.

You may or may not be wondering why I’m on a break. Well, it’s because I’ve been in this really long slump. I haven’t been reading any novels for months and I’ve been feeling less and less likely to write anything on here. Even bloggers need to take a step back and take a break from writing and that’s what I decided to do. This is only temporary, I will go back to writing after I find that lost spark again.

Meanwhile I like to thank everyone for taking the time on visiting my blog and getting to know me. I wouldn’t have kept this up if it weren’t for you. I’m making this short and sweet and end it here by saying thank you and I will be back. Take care!

News and Updates

Happy Bilated New Year!

It’s Saturday morning and the first thing that popped into my head for things I need to do is write a new post. More like my first post for the year 2018. It’s late to say Happy New Year to you all but as the saying goes, better late then never. Speaking of which it’s about time I update you on what’s happening in my life right now. Continue reading “Happy Bilated New Year!”

News and Updates

Merry Christmas!

Hello dear readers,

I hope each and every one of you from around the world, are enjoying your Christmases with friends, family, and all your loved ones this year. Have a safe and happy holiday season and I will see you all again in the New Year! Happy reading!

merry christmas

News and Updates

Why I’m on Hiatus (which I later start to ramble a bit)

How long am I on hiatus you ask?

I’m not sure

Why am I on hiatus?

Because…well there’s a story behind it which I will explain later

Are you going back to blogging?

Of course!

When are you coming back?

Still not sure.

Now here’s the story… Continue reading “Why I’m on Hiatus (which I later start to ramble a bit)”

News and Updates

Four Year Blogerversery!

happy fourth blogerversery

Happy blogerversery to Hoot Reads Books!

This month has been pretty busy for me, and not just for my blog but I’ve been job hunting and attending interviews, so I’ve been under a lot of pressure lately. It’s because I’ve been so consumed with my job search that today, I admit that I almost forgot about my blog’s anniversary. But it’s a good thing I remembered to check what date it was or else I might have missed it completely! Continue reading “Four Year Blogerversery!”

News and Updates

Top Books of 2015



There is only 3 more days before 2016 and as everyone is planning to celebrate the coming new year with parties and booze, I am reflecting my year in 2015. I admit that 2015 wasn’t a great year for me. I failed to obtain a permanent job and was unemployed all summer so I’m hoping 2016 will bring in new possibilities for me as I continue my job search, but the year also gave me the opportunity to spend time with my blog and reading many great (and not so great) books. I feel proud with the selection of titles I read this year that I narrowed down my selection of top books of 2015. Here’s to another great year in reading and finding a job too so I can continue buying more great books! Continue reading “Top Books of 2015”

News and Updates

Happy Blogiversary!

3 year blogerversery

Guess what? On this day hoot reads books was born and has turned 3 years old today! This is so exciting! I can’t believe it has been three years since my blog was born, and to celebrate I re designed my blog with a brand new theme and (somewhat) new banner! I also re opened my Facebook page so I will be going back to working on that again. Recently I have been using Twitter and Instagram to promote my blog and posts, but now I am working on expanding that further by returning to Facebook and Pinterest. If you like my blog, I encourage you to follow me on my social media channels!

I also want to take this time to say a big THANK YOU to all my readers and followers who have supported and liked my blog! I will continue to come up with new postings ideas and topics to make it more engaging, but if you have any ideas please share them and I might consider it.

Thank you fellow readers for showing some love for hoot reads books! A toast to another year of reading and blogging!